Abay contacted This Is Lebanon because her employers owed her salary and were refusing to send her home. They told her to go and stay with her sister who also works in Beirut. We advised Abay not to go, as her employers would most likely accuse her of running away and say she stole from them. They kicked her out of the house late at night, but instead of going to her sister’s, she spent the night in her employers’ carpark – hungry and thirsty.

Eventually her employers brought her back into the house. Due to pressure from This Is Lebanon, they bought her a ticket and sent her home – but without her final two months’ salary. Desperate to get out of their house, Abay agreed and left. It has been 10 (?) months and she still hasn’t been paid. Peter made many, many promises to us and her that he would pay but he never kept them. Now we have published Abay’s story and a few of the audios from Peter so that people will know the truth.

After This Is Lebanon spoke to Peter Kojrian, he threatened to not pay a single dollar if any image was posted online.



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